Entries in xoxo (2)


I like you.

Chocolate icing. Sleeping in on Saturdays. Two-and-a-half glasses of wine. Macarones. A good iPhone app. Barbecue from Salt Lick. The entire country of Spain. My favorite pink dress in kindergarten. Guacamole. Em dashes.

I really do. All that and more.

Just a note to let you know that it's such a big deal for me that you come by and read my little blog. You don't know how appreciative I am--you're supportive and lovely and kind and cool, and I haven't even met most of you face to face! Your time and your comments and your interest motivate me, and I love you for it. So thank you. Thank you, thank you.

So with that thought, um, see ya later!

I'm taking a much-needed two-week break. But not to worry: you'll be plenty taken care of while I am off-duty. I've got some fun guest posts lined up and Daily Dash will keep on keepin' on, so please do stop by and make the fine folks feel at home.

Have a lovely Labor Day, friends. I'll see you soon!


Image linked to its source, paperwhite studio at supermarket.com


Have some heart

Happy VD, ya'll.

Matters of the Heart print by Ork Posters

Star Map Heart by selflesh at etsy

Beating Heart by L2 Design Collective

Ribcage with Heart by xlessthan3 at etsy

Heart Beat earrings by Melanie Favreau


From the Heart Card by farouche at etsy

All images / websites / content © their respective owners.