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I like you.

Chocolate icing. Sleeping in on Saturdays. Two-and-a-half glasses of wine. Macarones. A good iPhone app. Barbecue from Salt Lick. The entire country of Spain. My favorite pink dress in kindergarten. Guacamole. Em dashes.

I really do. All that and more.

Just a note to let you know that it's such a big deal for me that you come by and read my little blog. You don't know how appreciative I am--you're supportive and lovely and kind and cool, and I haven't even met most of you face to face! Your time and your comments and your interest motivate me, and I love you for it. So thank you. Thank you, thank you.

So with that thought, um, see ya later!

I'm taking a much-needed two-week break. But not to worry: you'll be plenty taken care of while I am off-duty. I've got some fun guest posts lined up and Daily Dash will keep on keepin' on, so please do stop by and make the fine folks feel at home.

Have a lovely Labor Day, friends. I'll see you soon!


Image linked to its source, paperwhite studio at supermarket.com

Reader Comments (2)

Have a wonderful break!

September 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKristin

We love you too, Amy!

September 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLauren B

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