Can I borrow your brain?

In typical Amy fashion, I recently bought something that I didn't really need but just had to have because it was such a bargain.
Our company had a "swag sale" last Friday, which came at the end of a two-week promotion encouraging employees to clean out their offices and then donate the stuff they didn't want to the sale (a "your trash could be somebody's treasure" sort of idea--a good thing, if you ask me). Proceeds went to charity.
I got some of the normal goodies you can occasionally get for a steal when you work at a big media company: DVDs, books, decent beauty products. But my sweetest score was the above two rolls of wallpaper. (Ain't they lover-ly?)
Now, I do not own my apartment, so there is no way I can hang this paper anywhere in my home. Ditto for the office, natch. And I have no idea who made it or where it came from; but, from my limited wallpaper knowledge, it seems to be some good stuff.
At first I thought I could use it as funky-fun gift-wrapping paper. But then I decided that, no! I shall post it to M-Dashing and see if you guys could brainstorm with me to figure out a better alternative! So help a sister out. What the heck would you do with two rando rolls of wallpaper?
Hit me up. I'm open-minded...