Can I borrow your brain?

In typical Amy fashion, I recently bought something that I didn't really need but just had to have because it was such a bargain.
Our company had a "swag sale" last Friday, which came at the end of a two-week promotion encouraging employees to clean out their offices and then donate the stuff they didn't want to the sale (a "your trash could be somebody's treasure" sort of idea--a good thing, if you ask me). Proceeds went to charity.
I got some of the normal goodies you can occasionally get for a steal when you work at a big media company: DVDs, books, decent beauty products. But my sweetest score was the above two rolls of wallpaper. (Ain't they lover-ly?)
Now, I do not own my apartment, so there is no way I can hang this paper anywhere in my home. Ditto for the office, natch. And I have no idea who made it or where it came from; but, from my limited wallpaper knowledge, it seems to be some good stuff.
At first I thought I could use it as funky-fun gift-wrapping paper. But then I decided that, no! I shall post it to M-Dashing and see if you guys could brainstorm with me to figure out a better alternative! So help a sister out. What the heck would you do with two rando rolls of wallpaper?
Hit me up. I'm open-minded...
Reader Comments (11)
what about covering a table that needs finishing???
Ok, this happened to me when I worked at a Laura Ashley store years ago...the wallpaper was ridiculously inexpensive, like $10 per roll or something...I SAVED it and finally used 2 different patterns about 5 years after purchase...then I was able to enjoy it in my home for 3 years before I moved...Alternatively, how about cutting it and FRAMING it in your living/dining areas? that way you can enjoy it immediately. You could make them large, almost poster size or small, with a series along a wall. Hope that helps!!
PS: I do love that paper, looks like Osborne & Little...:)
I think that paper would be awesome in your little office nook in your apt ... I've seen people tack up wallpaper using staples or small decorative nails at the top and bottom, so other than filling in the small holes when you leave, you're not actually hurting the walls. You could even put a pretty little nail/tack in the center of those diamond-y shapes here and there to keep it taut on the wall. OR maybe cover a large piece of rectangular plywood and hang on the wall over your bed as a headboard (I can't remember if you have one). OR you could cover the inside of a bookcase with it maybe?
-Frame the paper like a picture.
-Use it to make fat borders around small photos in big-ish frames.
-Make covers/wraps for logo-laden folders you get at work functions that you could totally use for personal stuff but don't due to said logo-ladenness.
Dare I point to an article on I second the inside of a bookcase idea from Leah. My next crafty project is going to be buying a bookcase to turn into a bar, and I will be looking for some fun wallpaper for the back. Looks like I should have hit up the swag sale!
I know you do not own your apt but you could get some bristol board or plywood that fits the inside doors of your closets....maybe coat closet or in bedroom. Cover the bristol board and attach to inside of closet doors. Makes great bulletin board or just nice to look at...
You could also do this if you frame the plywood and use as wallpaper panels in living room. Creates a nice custom look and you can take with you when yo leave.
Can I just say that my brain just exploded? I've gone from "What do I do with this?" to "How much time do I have to do all this stuff I now want to do?" THANK YOU all! Awesome.
How about...making some book covers for books that don't enhance your perceived intelli-quotient. Instead they an enhance your home decor quotient when you stack them 2-3 or line them up alternating prints. Or, wrap a large canvas with them and hang it up - so it's like you used it as wall paper but you only papered a painter's canvas. They're cheap at Pearl Paints. You could also frame it...cut strips of each pattern and alternate them in a frame. Lastly, cut them into squares and laminate them to use for coasters.
cover a tri folding screen (room divider)?
I've been thinking about this... I thinking it would be great for wrapping around your pencil cup or other ugly desk accessories. Or, you could use it in your drawers as liner...only you'd get to see that, but sometimes that's the most enjoyable. Or, if you have a table that needs covering, you could but a layer of this, then get a sheet of plastic/glass to sit on top.