Entries in real simple (4)


Design Details from the Real Simple Pop-Up Shop

Since December 8, several of us from Real Simple have been holding court at our pop-up shop in Bryant Park--and needless to say, I've been spending a lot of time there. It's a lot of work, and a real labor of love.

I am taking photos and tweeting away for our promotional handle @RS_Offers right now, and I can't stop shooting pics of several of the props decorating the shop. And while I know that the look of this event is truly a team effort, I do also know which decor touches are oftentimes my favorite: those from stylist Chip Cordelli. Here's a peek at a few of them.

P.S. Come visit us if you're in the NYC area! The shop runs through Tuesday the 13th. Details are here.


Ladies Who Brunch (AKA, Blogs & Sites You Should Check Out ASAP)

Hey there. How've you been?

Things are a bit busy around these parts. I did manage, however, to have time for a lovely brunch at the charming Ted & Honey in Cobble Hill this weekend. Joining me were some mighty fine and supremely cool ladies. And you know how you know I'm telling you the truth about their fineness/coolness? Because you see the photos below and understand that I am seriously being real with you.

(I mean, stop it with the cute shoes!)

The fab autumn footwear you're witnessing is modeled by Kate Thorman of Ideeli, Hana Choi of Style Fare and the newly launched (and super buzzy) Pantry Confidential, Kristin Appenbrink of RealSimple.com (also a frequent M-Dashing co-star), and Christine Han, also of Pantry Confidential. But not in that order. I'll just let you guess who is who. (Ten points if you can! Either way, pay a visit to their sites, y'all--good stuff all around.)


Kristin's Magic Kitchen

There are lots of things I like about being friends with my girl (and neighbor) Kristin. And this summer, one of the things I PARTICULARLY like is the fact that, because she is at the helm of a delicious monthlong ice-cream blog over at RealSimple.com, when you are her friend (and neighbor), you get to taste all the magic she's brewing up in her amazing kitchen. Here's just a small peek.

P.S. Go over and visit her blog ASAP--tell her I sent you!


The Real Simple Pop-Up Shop

For the next couple weeks, I'll be spending some time blogging for my good friend RealSimple.com. It's all in support of a pop-up shop we're having at Rockefeller Center beginning on December 1. We just launched the blog; but, please, do come over throughout the month to watch us grow (click here to see me in action).

And if you're going to be in the city at the time, stop by and say hello--we'll be open through December 6. Bonus: It's near the tree! You can shop afterwards at Saks! There's goodies and freebies and discounts! And Santa! And also me!

Hope to see you there, friends.

Happy Friday--and happy almost-holidays (can you BELIEVE we're already back here again??)