Entries in Home Decor (7)


Hello, Domaine

Hurrah! The unsurprisingly glam-packed home site Domaine launched yesterday with one of my favorite people at the helm: the uber-talented Mat Sanders. Domaine is as effortlessly stylish and slightly quirky and classically cool as he is. I know Mat and his team have put in a ton (A TON) of work to launch the site, so check it out here and leave 'em some love.

And if you're feeling nostalgic, take a look back at some of the M-Dashing posts Mat did with Guerrin Gardner back in the day before Apartment Therapy got smart and swooped them up. (I particularly love this post and this post.)

Congrats, Mat and team! It's beyond breathtaking. So proud!


9 Charming Porches in New Orleans

It feels a bit sacrilegious to admit this, but it's taken me four trips across the span of my lifetime to truly to love (as in L-O-V-E love) New Orleans. My latest visit was just over the past weekend, when I was there for KBIS, the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show. I don't know if it was about who I was with, a hankering to be surrounded by Southern folk (my people, you know), or just the need to inject some beignets and cafe au lait into my system, but this go 'round, the Big Easy hooked me big time.

Between visits to the Convention Center, I crammed in some time re-exploring the French Quarter and the Garden District. Some of my favorite sights? The porches. Large, small, up, down. . . they were everywhere--proof of the city's charm and welcoming nature, I think. Not sure why it took me so long to notice.


Escape from Brooklyn: Buck's County, PA

You know what makes my face melt in home-decor happiness? My friend Danny Seo's home in Buck's County, PA. He was kind enough to host my girl Sonal and me for a little visit over the long weekend, and I think I spent 50% of my time with my camera around my neck, exploring every nook and cranny of his magical, thoughtfully designed space (parts of which are featured in his new book Upcycling).

I sort of want to live in his brain. (And also his kitchen. And his workspace. And his living room.)


5 faves from BKLYN Designs

It was hard to choose just five might-have-to-purchase-them items from this year's BKLYN Designs event, but I thought I'd give it a shot (so much loveliness!).

1. Milking Stools by UM Project

2. Cigarette Table by KWH Furniture Design and Fabrication

3. FRAMEicariums (crazy-fun ant-farm art!) by Hugh Hayden Design & Katie Vitale

4. Hold On Tight shelving system by Colleen & Eric

5. Wallpaper loveliness from Grow House Grow!