Entries in decorating (5)


Falling in love with, um, David

I do not have a tattoo. But after seeing this art by David Corbett, I briefly considered getting one that said, "I Heart David 4-EVER!!!"

Then I remembered that I have a little brother named David. And that could catapult said tattoo into the "possibly awkward" category.

Also, ew.

So instead, I'm thinking about just purchasing one of his prints over at 20x200.com. Which, for all parties involved, is a much, much more comfortable decision.

Untitled, 2006

Tower, 2007

Small Colors, 2004

Free Ride, 2005

Logjam, 2007

Moraine, 2006

Images via dtcorbett.com


Kitchen Kuteness

I will make up ANY excuse to buy myself a new kitchen gadget: "dinner guests," "new recipe," "it's a Thursday." But now that I have found these delish little utensil- and appliance-inspired goodies, my checkbook may have just been sent into panic mode.

One Blue Whisk -- Printable Recipe Cards by upup at etsy

I heart mixers tote by Avril Loreti

I Love Your Spatulas print by dazeychic at etsy

Fridge Magnets - Peelers by bridbird at etsy

Hand-Printed Flour Sack Towel by thehouseofbouton at etsy

All images / websites / content © their respective owners.


Two Chairs Series by Artist Leah Giberson

These archival prints by Leah Giberson say so much in such a quiet way--like they're evidence of awkward conversations that have recently finished. Or the setup for intense talks that are just about to begin.

Images via Supermarkethq.com


To blame for my Overcrowded Kitchen: One Kings Lane


I'm a sucker for lots of things. Items monogrammed in my initials. Animals with human names like Jason or Chad. Anything (and I mean almost anything) that will help me rack up frequent-flier miles. And I'm especially sucker-prone to an outlet store or a sample sale--particularly if it has anything to do with brand-name home goods or kitchen items (be still my heart!). However, direct me to your sample sale online, and you will witness a woman sent well over the edge.

Such is the case for me and One Kings Lane.

Inspired, I can assume, by online sample sale sites like Gilt Group and HauteLook, One Kings Lane is a "private home decor sales" site that acts on your (okay, my) tendency to make impulse purchases when something seems a) scarce, b) desirable, and c) cute. Sales events are only 72 hours long, so you get that good old buy-it-or-it's gone adrenaline rush. Plus, it's nicely curated. For example, I recently bought this delish pink pie dish from Emile Henry.

(Please note that I bake pies about 0.5 times a year. But dang, the thing's gonna look real good when I bake that chocolate brownie pie in about 6.75 months, no?)

Sign up here. And be sure to mention my name when they ask for a referral (I'm sucker for that, too).