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Petal Pushers

So I'm having to skip this week's One-Bouquet-a-Week Challenge; I'm in Chicago for several days helping support Real Simple's 10th Anniversary Event (we'll also be celebrating in NYC next Thursday at Grand Central--stop by and say hi if you're in town). I figured that I'd miss out on most of the bouquet if I just left it sitting alone in my apartment for half the week. So instead, I decided to share a few of the blooms that are surrounding me on the outside.

It's really a beautiful, beautiful time in Brooklyn. Hope it's lovely where you are, too. Happy weekend!

Reader Comments (2)

Gorgeous! Love these.

And, have I told you how much I love the way your blog looks now? Really excellent!

Meredith--thanks so much! xo

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermdashing

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