A Few of My Favorite (Amy-Inspired) Things
While I've been in Chicago supporting Real Simple's 10th anniversary event, my friend/sister-from-another-mister Tess has been covering me at work--and has been nice enough to cover me here, too, by creating my very first guest post. She's an amazing writer with amazing taste (as you'll see below) and I have been begging her to enter the blogosphere. I'm hoping this was a good first taste for her. Thanks, Tess!
I like to think of my girl Amy and I as “copy cats”—not just because we are both copy writers (and all-around cool cats), but because, in a multitude of fantastic, mystical and often downright creepy ways, our lives, interests, and purchases seem to run shockingly parallel. I might even go so far as to suggest that SHE is the Penny to my Desmond (although let’s not share that detail with my husband).
In fact, for the pure Lost-like freakiness of it, I’ve taken to reading this blog a few days late, and I’m hardly surprised anymore (actually I’m lying—I’m still completely weirded out) when I read several weeks ago how Amy was looking for a just-right container for her floral arrangement and decided on a lovely milk bottle on the VERY SAME DAY that I purchased flowering branches and decided, “Hmmm… I think this old milk bottle will do.” Or how, just this morning, I made a couple of online purchases only to check in here this afternoon and discover that my dear Amy just recommended two of the EXACT SAME THINGS.
So yes, Amy and I could both quit our day jobs and probably tour the country (I’d prefer Europe) doing our very Patty-Duke-Show-mirror-image-thingie (if Kathy Lane was Southern, not British, and Patty Lane actually HAD a Brooklyn accent—what was that all about, anyway?)
But here’s the deal: every once in a while, Amy does turn me on to something I don’t already know. Case in point: Supermarket, which has quickly become my #1 shopping destination in the midst of a (blissful) post-home-renovation decorating frenzy.
Here, some of my favorite recent finds, all of which add as much joy and inspiration to my every day (wink) as she does.

I like to think of my girl Amy and I as “copy cats”—not just because we are both copy writers (and all-around cool cats), but because, in a multitude of fantastic, mystical and often downright creepy ways, our lives, interests, and purchases seem to run shockingly parallel. I might even go so far as to suggest that SHE is the Penny to my Desmond (although let’s not share that detail with my husband).
In fact, for the pure Lost-like freakiness of it, I’ve taken to reading this blog a few days late, and I’m hardly surprised anymore (actually I’m lying—I’m still completely weirded out) when I read several weeks ago how Amy was looking for a just-right container for her floral arrangement and decided on a lovely milk bottle on the VERY SAME DAY that I purchased flowering branches and decided, “Hmmm… I think this old milk bottle will do.” Or how, just this morning, I made a couple of online purchases only to check in here this afternoon and discover that my dear Amy just recommended two of the EXACT SAME THINGS.
So yes, Amy and I could both quit our day jobs and probably tour the country (I’d prefer Europe) doing our very Patty-Duke-Show-mirror-image-thingie (if Kathy Lane was Southern, not British, and Patty Lane actually HAD a Brooklyn accent—what was that all about, anyway?)
But here’s the deal: every once in a while, Amy does turn me on to something I don’t already know. Case in point: Supermarket, which has quickly become my #1 shopping destination in the midst of a (blissful) post-home-renovation decorating frenzy.
Here, some of my favorite recent finds, all of which add as much joy and inspiration to my every day (wink) as she does.

Wall Hanging Clock by Decoylab at Supermarket
You Are My Sunshine Pillow Slip by Inklore at Supermarket
Peace Idea 75 Print by Chen Design Associates at Supermarket
Skips A Beat Mini Triptych by John W. Golden at Supermarket
Personalized City Print by JHill Design at Supermarket
Fine and Dandy Wall Graphic by Elly Nelly at Supermarket
Images linked to their sources
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Reader Comments (8)
Ok, seriously?! Two of my favorite people in the same spot? Love it bunches! (And am off to check out Supermarket....)
Amy has such smart friends.
Tess and I are planning to rule the copy world. Don't you think we make a great team? (-:
I'll have to copy cat thatguythom, "two of my favorite people in the same spot".
I got such a kick out of this post...I love the description "penny to my desmond"...explains it perfectly :)!! I may have to start using that (although i suppose anyone who doesn't watch Lost won't know what I'm talking about!)
Thanks Piper! I don't know you but I love you! :)
And Kruti... I think we've officially crossed over to making "copy cat" a verb, ala "friend" and "green". It's a Tess+Amy word revolution!
[...] An Artistic Exposé In Guest Post, Home Decor on September 8, 2010 at 8:15 am Tess is back for another guest post! You might remember her as my writing-partner-in-crime at work (and [...]