A Day at the Office
You know, considering how much of our lives are spent at our jobs, you'd think that we'd have a few more pictures of the workspaces that we lay our eyes on at least five days out of the week. (Are you with me here?)
I happen to have had my camera with me at the office this week, so I snapped a few photos of the things that make up my every workday. I almost wish I had record of the other offices I've lived in over the years--would be interesting to see how I've grown. Or at least to see how many tchotkes, mousepads, favorite pens, and photos of boyfriends managed to survive each office move.

Reader Comments (9)
What? No pictures of your family? Just kidding.
Love ya
OMG! it's so cool to your friend's office! How often do you find out how you friend lives in his/her office?!
of course, your office is as cool looking as your not surprised.
Used blades? What exactly is going on over there at that magazine!!!???
Ha! Designers use them all the time to create "mock" or "comp" pages--that way, we can see what it would look like to have something we've created bound in the magazine. (Does that make sense?)
No prepositions at the end of sentences! Love it.
Nice glimpse into your world.
BTW, I walk past your office all the time. One day I am going to surprise you, and force you to go to Pain Quotidien with me. For reals.
Ah! LOVE the pics--so fun to see what's new in your world. But no glimpse of your view? And I have to imagine you have something lovely perched on your windowsill--do show!
Missing you, the office, and everyone in it!
Haaa! I recently gave that card about ending a sentence with a preposition to a friend recently!!! GRAMMAR QUEENS ROCK!
A poster of proofer's marks? You should have those memorized by now.
Perhaps some of us never have to be edted I mean edited.