On the stoop
One of my favorite traditions in Brooklyn is found on brownstone stoops, the surrounding fences, and the sidewalk: totally free stuff. When someone is done with something--clothing, shoes, books, magazines, whatever--they'll often place it outside for anyone to grab. Sometimes there's an accompanying "FREE Please Take" sign, but more than likely, there's not. You just have to speak the language and know when stuff is there for the taking.

Reader Comments (6)
I'd have to say that's the delight of living in New York. I've been know to leave finds on our Upper West Side brownstone. It never lasts long.
How are you by the way? Long time. . .
These are wonderful natural compositions. I love the shoes interacting with each other, and the books escaping in a cascade form hoping to be taken to a new home.
And yes, I have always loved the idea of reusing before being green was hip.
A few years ago i read the most fascinating book written by a South African living in New York - and it was about the fascinating concept of Mongo - collecting stuff that's been left out on sidewalks. I loved it and ever since then have carried pictures around my head of what these discarded treasures might look like 'in real life' - thanks for the post.
Lydia! Missing your face. We need some serious tweet-upping up in this joint...
Vicki, that book sounds fab. What is it called?
I love the line "the books escaping in a cascade form hoping to be taken to a new home."
Are you sure you're not a copywriter? (-;