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Georgia & Susan's Charming Coconut Cake Recipe

Oh, ya'll. If I could, I'd send you all a piece of this heaven. It's my mom's coconut cake (you remember the mom and her red-velvet concoction? This is on the same level). The recipe originated with my great-grandmother Georgia, and since her passing, my mom has spent the past 20 some odd years figuring out just how Georgia did it. And Mom has nailed it, I tell ya.

I've placed it in my blog's "Easy Recipes" category, but this isn't the easiest in the bunch, to be honest. It involves fresh coconuts and their milk, and takes about two days from start to finish. Nevertheless, IT IS SO WORTH IT.

This year's cake was especially amazing--"shut-your-mouth good," as my sister-in-law would say. Print it out and keep it for a special occasion. You'll be so glad you did.

Fresh Coconut Cake

3 cups cake flour

2 cups sugar

5 eggs

8 oz butter

1/3 cup Crisco

1 cup evaporated milk

1 tsp vanilla

2 coconuts (shake to make sure they're full of milk)

Cream butter, sugar, and Crisco. Add eggs, one at a time. Add flour and milk alternately. Add vanilla. Make 4 layers. Bake at 325 degrees for 25 - 30 minutes.

Grate coconut and save milk. Make 7-Minute Icing.


7-Minute Icing

1 1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp lemon juice or 1/2 tsp cream of tartar

2 egg whites

4 tbsp cold water

1/2 tsp vanilla

Boil ingredients until a soft ball is formed. Pour over egg whites and beat. (Beat egg whites first.) Pour coconut milk over layers. Then spread icing and sprinkle coconut until layers and sides are covered.

Reader Comments (1)

I love that a 2-day cake has 7-minute icing. Looks divine. Merry merry, Amy!

December 26, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrachel b.

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