Pining for a Canine: 6 Pet Portraits You'll Love
Lately, I've been contemplating getting a dog. Which is a very silly thing, because I do not have the space, or the time, or a close-enough-to-home commute, or even basic dog-owning skills to have one right now.
Also, I am finding that I may be wanting a dog for a reason that could be considered unhealthy: I totally want a portrait made of my not-yet-acquired canine. And as we all know, the possibility of acquiring a new piece of original art is no reason to purchase a pet. Blah blah blah.
So I am restraining. For now. Because, come on, what if I got THIS guy? Can't you just SEE the amazing addition that little bundle of cute would be to my art collection I mean my life?
Noisy Dog Studio portraits by Leigh Jackson
Commissioned portrait by Kate T. Williamson
Screenprinted Custom Pet Silhouette, $45, spottedflats at
Custom portraits by Jane Oriel
Original hand-carved rubber stamp of your pet, $24, Kozue at
Custom Pet Portrait in Watercolor, $150, abgraham at
P.S. Thanks to BKLYN Contessa for introducing that puppy link to me. Gushing.
All images / websites / content © their respective owners.

Reader Comments (5)
George loves you.
Hi neighbor! Thanks for saying hi on my blog, so happy to meet you! Hope to bump into you for real in the nabe one of these days!
I'm dying for a dog, too. My boyfriend and I dream of the day when we live in a place that allows them, and have the time to look after one! These sure are cute in the meantime, though.
there seems to be a simple compromise here. spend a moderate amount of cash on an incredible picture of a dog, name him, give him lots of love and the best part is you can go on vacation (or stay late at work) without worrying about him.
Feez, it's bad enough you expose me to wonderful new sites to peruse (and shop!) from, but you've really gone too far this time....
Petfinder?!?!?!? I don't want a dog, I want blue-eyed Nakisha.