You complete me.

In honor of this day of chocolates and arrows shot by fat flying babies and hearts made from red construction paper, I thought it would be an appropriate time to send you all a bit of love.
It's simply this: I really, really appreciate that you stop by, take the time to give M-Dashing a read, and leave your thoughts, stories, and comments! It's such a great motivator to grab my camera, explore my city (or my favorite websites), find new events and activities, and report them back. The fact that you're out there makes me feel like I'm not sending my thoughts out into some sort of Web-vacuum. Thanks so much for connecting with me and inspiring me to write even more. (-:
Just a few particular shout-outs, in no particular order:
Michele - All the way from Belgium! Your comments always make me smile. And I may not be able to read everything on your own blog (je ne parle pas français) (got that from Google), but I can see your lovely family in gorgeous photos that always tell a good story.
Brooke - Now representing Canada and one of my biggest cheerleaders. I miss seeing your face on a regular basis, pretty lady.
Lydia, The Clueless Crafter - You were one of the first people to regularly comment on posts outside my immediate realm of friends, and it was SUCH a thrill for me! So glad to be getting to know you and your hilarious world. Looking forward to hanging with you at a future tweet-up.
Vicki, iwantthat - I get so excited when I see South Africa in the house...
Tess - You know the drill. How I'd love for you to be blogging, too, my soul sister in design love! You always, always crack me up.
Nichole, Little Brown Pen - Lovely Nichole. You were just the kick-in-the-pants I needed to start blogging. You've always been so supportive, and you work inspires me on a daily basis. Thank you, thank you!
Then there is my amazing-friends-before-the-blog commenting group. George's Mom. Courtney. The other Courtney. KHache. Leah. Allison. Anna. Zovig. Lauren Z. Beth. And, of course, my mom. Thank you all for everything, as always.
(And for those of you who are reading and may not be commenting, I appreciate you just as much! Thanks for being there and for coming along for the ride.)
I may be a little blog, but I've got big love for you all. Be mine?