In the Projects
What do you do when you need a quick change? Personally, I clean something out and/or organize something and/or redecorate something. It's almost instinctual--probably the physical equivalent to an emotional clearing out of my head/organizing my thoughts/redecorating my imagination.
Lately, it's becoming more clear to me that I am in a "change" mode. I have just completed one project (reorganized my entire bookshelf, removed dust covers, incorporated in two terracotta soldier figurines I bought in China) and now three (THREE?) other projects are crowding the floors of my little studio.
For one, I was inspired by the plates on the walls in the kitchen space of the townhouse I wrote about last week (see them here). I actually already had plates on the wall, but have honestly never liked the way I grouped them together (it was the one single thing on my wall that I didn't like). So I am now working on a blue-ish dishware theme that will hopefully highlight the height of the wall and make me a little happier while making dinner. If it's cool, I'll post about it. If it's not, just pretend like it probably is.

We're also doing a big cleanup effort at work, and while organizing my office the other day, I came across several letter As (as you may recall, I collect them). I don't have these particular letters out because, as a whole, they're all just too beige-y for me. So I've placed them all against a wall in my apartment and am staring them down until I figure out a color to paint them. [Right now, some sort of bold, in-your-face pink is calling my name.]

I also have a three-legged stool that's begging me to paint it as well. It's whispering "tasteful canary yellow" to me. I'm whispering back, "Okay, dude. We'll see."
As usual, I'm biting off more than I can chew. But I know I'll feel so much better when I'm done. I need it. Because change is good. And so is tasteful canary yellow.