Entries in online shopping (14)


Bookmark 'em, Danno

5 shops you need to know:

1. Hammerpress: Smart letterpress selections. I really dig its American Flag series.

2. Carrie Strine at Big Cartel: Slammin' quilted pieces (which you should totally check out, because when have you ever read the words "slammin'" and "quilted pieces" in the same sentence?).

3. Nest Living: Y-E-S.

4. Adonde: Small selection of chic stuff.

5. Connox: Another cool design shop. Because you know that I.cannot.get.enough.


Image sources: Carrie Strine, Hammerpress, and Adonde.


5 Shops to Bookmark Immediately

1. Kaufmann Mercantile: Well-made picks that look like they could have been passed down from your chicer-than-you-realized grandpa.

2. Theo: Great gifts, kitchenware, lighting, sexyfresh pillows, and all that stuff we love from a fab shop in England.

3. Colette: Takes a while to dig through (and watch out for the blaring music when you open the site), but it's worth the search.

4. Old Faithful Shop: Cozy-cool items from a cute-as-a-button shop in Vancouver.

5. Candystore Collective: Totally California in all the best ways.

Images: Candystore Collective, Kaufmann Mercantile, Old Faithful Shop


Currently Battling My Credit Card Company:

PubliqueSHOP: Just the right amount of weird-cool homegoods to keep me interested.

Welcome Home: Two words: "teacake cushions." Shut the door!

Yorktown Road: LOTS of linen items here. Which means I spend LOTS of time here.

Piano Nobile: Has a few random, out-of-the-blue finds, like this cotton pillow and this handmade scarf.

Billet: Remember that part in "Love Actually" where Colin Firth's character falls madly in love with his Italian housekeeper even though they both speak a different language? Yeah. That's me and this site.

Image sources (clockwise, L-R): Billet; Welcome Home; Piano Nobile; Yorktown Road



5 Sites to Shop ASAP

Back to business! Now that I've plowed through the ole vacay pics, let's get back to some of the things M-Dashing loves most: shopping for awesome home accessories. Hit these five finds up immediately:

1. Twentieth: Everything from mod furniture to art pieces. (I especially dig their glass and ceramic selection.)

2. Neëst: Adorable, simple picks from a Parisian shop that merges Swedish influence and Japanese design. Even their cleaning tools are sweet.

3. Heath Ceramics: Super-cool handcrafted dinnerware, tableware, kitchen goods, food storage, and more from a Sausalito/Los Angeles, CA-based company.

4. Zinc Details: My new go-to gift store. Yum!

5. David Mellor Design: Your kitchen will love you just a little more for discovering this British shop. Trust me, ole girl.