Entries in old school vs. new school (1)


Pictures of Pictures


So I recently came across these pics that I took in my college photography class. They're photos I took with black-and-white film using my dad's hand-me-down Minolta (my first love). I adored the class, but honestly, I still remain divided on what I like better: film or digital.

As an artistic-y person, I feel like I SHOULD prefer film. But as someone who hated (H-A-T-E-D) loading rolls of film onto a processing reel, parts of me would choose digital over old-timey film solely for that fact alone.

Either way, I think it would have blown my then-21-year-old mind to know that, in my thirties, I'd be able to digitally capture the photos I painstakingly processed in that tiny darkroom. And that I'd do it using my phone. That's small enough to tote in my purse. And that also plays music and checks email. And also that email even exists.

(Okay, maybe it blows my thirtysomething-year-old mind, too.)