Entries in new new new (1)


Hello & Meet “Daily Dash”

Okay friends, so this week I'm going to introduce a fancy new feature on M-Dashing that I'm calling "Daily Dash." (Cheesily appropriate, no?)

Simply put, Daily Dash will spotlight one item each day that I dig. Why? Because I have an overwhelming list of bookmarks and stacks of notes devoted soley to the stuff I like. And even if M-Dashing were to live for a megazillion years, there's just no way that I'd be able to write about it all.

That said, I am in great need to feed the beast that is my gigantor addiction to All Things Cute On The Internet. Knowing me, it will be lots of home decor accessories: some weird-ass things, some cool-ass things, and lots of other things that use adjectives that sound better when you combine them with "ass." There will probably also be tons of art, ceramics, bowls, necklaces, kitchen kuteness, and rando picks from places like Supermarket, Big Cartel, and Etsy.

They'll be there every weekday along with my regular mumbo-jumbo, and I'll create a category header so you can find 'em if you need 'em. So please enjoy. Because I just can't stop, ya'll.

Image linked to its source