Entries in graffiti (14)


Portraits of Brooklyn Neat-Freaks

They probably wouldn't like me saying this, but I am calling out Jaw, Chew, Trice, SB, Walt, Ouch (Ouch?), Bwanky, and team for being adorably OCD on this fancy garage door in Williamsburg.

Aw, ya'll. This is borderline cute.


Please Leave Your Comments Here

("F-trainer" at the top kills me. Is it an insult, a threat, or just someone's tag?)

UPDATE: Hmmmm. I think it's a tag. Check this out: imposemagazine.com


Spray It, Don't Say It


Mustachioed Marauder Loose at West 4th!

I know. This is the second time I am writing about the mustache guy in a week or so. But that's because, on my way to dinner at 10 Downing this week, my iPhone and I spotted these fresh 'staches in the West 4th subway station.

However, what is usually a delightful discovery for me is now turning into...something else all together. Case in point: if you compare the handwriting in these photos with some of the ones in this earlier post, things are starting to look a little...hairy. Yes, ya'll, get ready--it seems that it's NOT the same person mustaching these innocent ads across our fair subway system. If you ask me, I've started collecting solid proof that there's...at least two mustachers.

Clutch the pearls--it's a mystery! And so deliciously appropriate for a fake mustache!

(I'm on the case, folks. Your children are safe.)

(Also, you're welcome for all the dramatic use of ellipses and italics and exclamation points. Mysteriousness!)

(Yah ha! "Muffstache")