« Things I find charming #64, #65, and #66 | Main | Rollin' »

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("F-trainer" at the top kills me. Is it an insult, a threat, or just someone's tag?)

UPDATE: Hmmmm. I think it's a tag. Check this out: imposemagazine.com

Reader Comments (2)

i just love love LOVE how you somehow find the beauty in this everyday concrete jungle that we lovingly call home. i think of your site every time i take my camera with me and think "i just cant find something to take a picture of!"

you are great inspiration :) thank you for that!

xo, cory

May 9, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercory

Cory--thank you SO much! That really means a lot to me. (-:

May 9, 2011 | Registered CommenterAmy

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