Things I should stop confessing in public
A couple weeks ago, I admitted to saving a few adorably reusable, terra cotta-made La Fermière yogurt cups here and there.
Several weeks later, I think we need to call an intervention.
For starters, here's what the yogurts look like in their packaging, before I feast on one for breakfast.
You'll notice that, unlike the baby blue cups at the top of the post, these particular cups happen to be a dark navy color. That's because, if my poorly translated French is correct, they are a special "horoscope edition" of the vanilla flavor. I happen to casually (not casually) spot (stalk until I found them) at a nearby convenience store.
And what did I do?
I bought six. (Not really. Eight.)
But, come on, you get it, right? They're sweet, right? They can be bud vases! They can be pencil cups! They're dishwasher safe! You can cook in them!
Somebody help.
What would you do with these suckers?
Should I paint them in even more fun colors and use them to create an art project? Do I sell them on eBay or etsy? (This happens, apparently.) Or do I just recycle them and chalk it up to a funny little breakfast habit I had when I lived in Paris?
Do throw me a bone in the comments. (Just don't throw it in the direction of the pots. We don't want them to break. Don't hurt the babies!) (Okay, seriously. SOS.)
The Paris Plan - Achieved Today: Rules #5 and 6.