What's wrong with this picture?
Choose your favorite:
A) Why don't you have that cold can of beer on a coaster, lady?
B) Why do you have that cold glass of beer on four coasters, lady?
C) Why isn't that beer finished off just yet, lady?
D) Why is there a random bare toe (a bare toe!) near that beer, lady?
Anyway, here's what's RIGHT:
A) This featured beer is a yummy can of The Crisp from Sixpoint Craft Ales, which is brewed in beautiful Brooklyn, New York.
B) The fab slate beverage coasters are from Brooklyn Slate Company, which is also based in beautiful Brooklyn, New York, natch. (P.S. Sigh! Check out its special-edition cheese board.)
C) Both the beer and the coasters are compliments of Sean and team at Brooklyn Slate. (Thanks, ya'll--love 'em!). And yes, I finished it off.
D) Whatever. I have toes. Lady.