A Peek at Lost iPhone Photos
Sometimes you discover things when you're suddenly faced with a window of found time.
Mine came last week in the waiting room at the dentist. The hygenist came in to inform me that she was running 10 minutes late, and I was promptly left alone with a stack of old sports mags and gingivitis brochures.
Naturally, I broke out my iPhone.
I've been taking pics on my now-regular morning walks on ye olde Brooklyn Bridge (more on that in an upcoming post) and wanted to see if I captured anything any good that day. (I did.) And since I had the time, I started scrolling. And scrolling some more. What I found was that, in the year and a half lifespan of my phone, I've taken some interesting pics--some of which I'd completely forgotten about. Wanna see?
A mannequin in one of our closets at work that, ahem, surprised me while I was walking by.
Dual-colored tights on the subway. (Fashion do or don't?)
Crazy-cool tea the first night I spent in China last year.
Two dudes on Court Street in Cobble Hill.
Pound cake for a food project I'm working on. (More on that one later, too!)
Reader Comments (1)
Man that's so fun. I did that recently too and realized I kept a picture of my car's VIN Number, which I actually needed at that moment to get my address changed at the DMV. Awesome.