My Tech Top 10 on Unplggd
Cerentha Harris, my editor over, recently interviewed me for an Apartment Therapy Unplggd series called "My Tech Top 10." Want to know what made the list? Head over to the site and take a gander.
Want to know what almost made the list, but fell off, soley because I didn't have a chance to run down and take a photo? The relatively new electronic arrival-time clocks in (some, but not enough!) NYC subway stations. I can't tell you how much I dig those things. They aren't always 100% right, but they 100% reassure me that, yes, there WILL be another train, lady--just calm it down.
(I kind of wish you had those sort of signals in all areas of my life, you know?)
Thanks, Cerentha.
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Reader Comments (3)
I like how real your list is. These are all things I use. Or would use. You even wanted to list something you couldn't actually own (MTA clocks). Sometimes these lists are kind of ridiculous, like "I can't live without my Leica M9!".
Yeahokright. You so absolutely could.
I applaud your totally cool down-to-earth-ness.
P.S. Ok, maybe I wouldn't use the sonic infusion system. But I recognize its value.
Thanks, Jamie. That makes this average- to low-tech girl feel highly cool.
Amy, I love your round up, and I'm seriously lusting after everything on your list. Tried to leave a comment over on Unplggd, but their system isn't letting me. So I'll say congratulations here instead!