More Seoul Food: Coffee at Red Crow Street
After a marathon lunch in Seoul with Sarah Lee at Balwoo Gonyang, we all set out to explore a few other neighborhoods in the area. On our way, Sarah steered us toward the magical Red Crow Street coffee joint, a small, off-the-beaten path covered in customer-created and -hung illustrations, photos, notes, and doodles.
Now, Seoul has no shortage of coffee houses--almost to a fault, actually--but this one was so different, so unique, and so f-u-n, I think I spent more time taking photos than I did concentrating on the cute little cuppa hot chocolate I ordered.
(Incidentally, it was also the place where Danny and I took the only photo I have of the two of us together during our trip. Thank goodness Sarah was there to capture it!)
Travel Finds | tagged
amy feezor,
coffee house,
danny seo,
sarah lee. red crow,
south korea,
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Reader Comments (1)
again, you have such an amazing eye for detail and design...i need to take notes!
come back to seoul!!!