Guest Curating at Felt & Wire

This just in from the Land of Awesome: I'm this week's guest curator at Felt & Wire!
The paper-goods shop got in touch with me a while back when I featured them in this post. (Honestly, I'm totally full-on in love with everything they offer. I even ended up choosing so many items for my "curatorship" that they're going to have to post Part Two at a later date.) (Whoops! Me go overboard? Why I never...).
I named my M-Dashing collection "Brooklyn Chic" because, well, that's what I'd hope my own boutique would be if I actually had one. (Dreams!) Hope you dig it. Now click on over there and tell the good folks at Felt & Wire that I sent ya.
Reader Comments (2)
Very chic indeed. Great blogging.
Loved the picks!