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Where to Buy: Paintings by Jennifer Sidel

After writing about art director Jennifer Sidel's apartment yesterday, I received a few inquiries about the paintings on her walls (aren't they amazing?). Well, they're Jenn's own handiwork--and the good news is that

many of her pieces (which have already been exhibited in a few shows) are for sale. Click here to check out more of her work online and see below for more detailed pics. [I am personally gunning for one of the more pink pieces...I have ALWAYS loved her work.] Prices start at $200. And be sure to tell her I sent you!

Reader Comments (2)

Thanks Amy for taking an interest in my work and my apartment. I had such a blast having you over with for brunch. So happy you decided to bring your fancy camera. You took amazing photos.

May 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

What a post!! Very informative... Looking for more posts like this!! Do you have twitter or an RSS feed?
Anyway thank you for this blog.

September 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterkefacevaBenue

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