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Preppy Perfection

Okay, so holy crap my weekend was amazing.

I was invited with a friend to a press weekend sponsored by Audi at Winvian, a private resort in Morris, Connecticut (about two hours north of the city). It was one of those experiences that I just can't find enough happy adjectives to use to describe it. The food! The quirky cottages! The spa! The service! The fireplaces! It was over the top and very luxurious and totally the kind of weekend I wish had every, well, day. Take a gander. P.S. One of the cottages even had a helicopter in it. A HELICOPTER. Check it here.

A few shots from our nautical-themed cottage, Maritime:

The spa:


Fun n' games in the main Gordon Brown House:

The food:

Peanut-butter cookies by pastry chef Gilles Ballay


(Oh, how I like a good breakfast...)


Reader Comments (4)

Looks like a perfect trip for any time of the year!

October 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJorge

Wow - looks gorgeous! Would love to know more about the business side in regards to Audi (business nerd in me coming out). Anyway, food and cabin looked amazing. I bet you had perfect weather the whole time too! I am happy you had such a fabulous weekend Amy!

October 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKendall

ummm...that looks awesome.

October 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLauren B

Um, I'd like to live here. Hell, I'd even live in the helicopter! That shot with the Fall foliage makes me nostalgic for New England!!

October 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLindsey

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