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M-Dashing is 1! M-Dashing is 1!

Throughout my life, the date October 15 has always signaled to me that change is in the air.

The first October 15 I can remember happened 32 years ago today, when someone dressed me in a tiny "I'm the Big Sister" t-shirt and sent me with my dad to the hospital to meet my first little brother (happy birthday, sweet D!).

On this same date 10 years ago, I used a one-way airline ticket to move to New York City to start a job at the now-defunct "Expedia Travels" magazine (RIP, good buddy).

And one year ago today, I started M-Dashing with this post about Mast Brothers Chocolate.

What a year it's been! So much has changed in my world since October 15, 2009. Obviously, there's the blog. But there's also the Herman Miller gig that sprang from my work here. There's the Twitter handle. Plus, there's all the readers and bloggers and small business owners and designers and other amazing, inspiring people I've connected with because of my little one-year-old neck of the woods.

And here's a bit of a secret: I promised myself that I'd put one year into a blog, and now that we're here, I am wondering what I should do next. So as a birthday gift to ole M-Dashing, I'd like for you to do me a solid: Since it's October 15th--and therefore a time of change--I need some feedback. What would you want changed on this blog? What DON'T you want changed? Any and all comments will be considered. I'd dig it if you could hit me up with some honest, raw info. (I can take it. I'm a year old, for chrissake.)

Thanks so much for a memorable year. If I could feed you all cake and ice cream and make you wear funny pointy party hats, I'd totally do it.

Happy weekend!

Image linked to its source

Reader Comments (8)

I love what you're doing - I particularly love your posts with your own photos - shops in Brooklyn, design finds on the street - whatever. Then I love your daily finds (though selfishly, I wish they were things I could find in Paris) - you've got an eye for design and furniture. I think I'd like to see some of the things you post on pinterest - like pillows - on here too!

Food posts always win me over... just a thought =)

October 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLindsey

Congrats! I've been subscribing for 6 weeks but my favorite posts have been the ones with your photography, food, and featuring places in Brooklyn. They're a more personal look at Brooklyn and make me want to visit often.

October 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAshish Tonse

I love the posts you do about real, normal people's (including your own!) design ideas in their own apartments. Like the post about your friend's workspace that she made in her closet... Those really inspire me to come up with ways to take the parts I like and make them happen in my own life. And, of course, the food ones always are big hits for me...as I'm sure you could have guessed!

Happy Birthday M-Dashing!! ~<O (that's me in a party hat)

October 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLauren B

Happy Birthday to you, M-Dashing! It's been an amazing first year for a fabulous little blog that could. Woohoo!

October 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRachel B.

Happy Birthday M-Dashing! I hope you are celebrating big with lots of cake and vino, too. Don't change a thing-- I love you just the way you are!

October 15, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertess

Happy Birthday indeed M-Dashing. You've done a great job featuring things for the foodie, the trend-setter, the artsy fartsy, and the traveler. Well done......hearts to M-Dashing!!!

October 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnna

Thanks, everyone! Much appreciated...xo

October 17, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermdashing

Happy Belated Birthday M-Dashing!!!

October 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGuerrin

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