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It's not officially summer, but it IS officially hot around here. And that means that my little studio apartment becomes like a sauna during the day while I am away at work and the A/C is off. That said, I'm noticing that the bouquets from my One-Bouquet-a-Week Challenge are wilting quickly from the heat--and although I love having them around, it's costing a pretty penny to keep them in the house. So, as of this week, I've decided to put my challenge on hiatus until cooler weather returns to the N-Y-C. These pics are some of my favorites from the challenge, which I started back in January of this year. It's been a blast, but I'm definitely going to enjoy spending more time outside and finding the blooms around me in the neighborhood. So happy weekend, ya'll! Hope it's filled with flowers and greenery and lots of time spent outdoors in the sunshine. See you on Monday...

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